one question only

Posted on: January 16, 2011

Friends, we have learn a lot about principles of effective teaching and assessment. We have known about what effective teaching is, planning of instruction, instructional models, lesson planning, and ect. Last week we talk more about the role of assessment where there are three kind of role of assessment: assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning.

Assessment of learning is more like summative  assessment, it happen at the end of instruction. given example is “the meal will be tasted by costumer”. In the other side, the chief, who is cooking the meal, will examine it first before the meal being served. this is the illustration for assessment for learning. Thus, we also have known that assessment also could be a good tool or media for learning. it is called assessment as learning. “Falling in love” is an excellent example given by our lecture to describe it.

My question is simple, how we make assessment as learning happen and work? I remember an Arabic proverb-if I am not mistaken, which state that who ever is loving something, they will follow it very often. So, I think, assessment as learning will happen and work when we-as students have clear vision to do what we are going to do. Therefore, we have to raise our “inner desire” first. Why?  Because we are the determiner of our learning result. In the other word, intrinsic motivation is the key to be successful. Knowing the purpose, or economically I call it ‘benefits’ from our task/assignment, is very helpful. Our target to do a piece of work such as home work, presentation, project or any others is not only stop to a mark. More over, we realize that this part of assessment is an experience which have to be enjoyed. And there is no great experience as sweet as fall into “the mud of learning challenges”.


6 Responses to "one question only"

you’ve reminded me all terms about assessment..
thank you…
it’s a nice post
you respond the question with an excellent example…
it’s very good to have arabic proverb as the example… someting unpredictable..
good job!

Yeah, actually I also recall what I learn so far in the “previous live”, Unie. I like to connect many things I know and put it in one.

Nice posting, Siz.. 🙂
yeah.. inner desire or intrinsict motivation is the first thing that we must have to do everything well, evenfor learning. by the way, suddenly i have question, is there any tips or way for us as teacher candidate to stimulate students’ intrinsict motivation?

hmhm… Endang, actually that is also my other question after I wrote this posting. I think, make our students really realize that they are the responsible taker of their learning progress is one of the tips or way. And our founding education father, Ki Hajar Dewantara has remain us with the philosophy “ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani” hmm…is it related or not ya?

you’ve made great posting siz,, it’s full of self reflection,, hehe
btw, u said that the key to make assessment as learning works is our ‘inner desire’, do you have any tips to keep this desire for long time?

wow!!! Rita, you and Endang have the same question. I think we have to refer to the posting above (again, if it is have correlation) I also think that having friends (and in this context like all of you – every single of you are all my best friend) really influence. On the other hand we as a teacher have to create a situation where the students feel that they are involved in one big family, family of school. There always many people who care about his/her existence. We have to provide a guarantee that “they are not alone”

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January 2011